9 years ago it was the last time I hugged
Rodrigo before this Febraury. 9 years. We shared so many things together back
when I was at the first year of university: from never ending hours attending
boring classes at university, to kind of funny lunches in which Rodri can eat
either nothing or a whole huge pizza (usually shared by -at least- three
persons). Discussion on girls, on problems, on life. Time spent trying break
move, or telling me his adventure as a free runner with a new group in Milano.
Now it's weird to think I will see him again. Could friendship lasts 8 years
without sharing nothing but memories from an epic past? In this case, it can. I
was welcomed as a VIP at his place but the whole family, not only Rodri but
everyone greeted me as a long-time family member, in an incredibly gentle and
warm way. I am deeply thankful and grateful for the time they dedicated to me:
from organizing the visits here and there, to buying a cell phone to make it
simpler to comunicate, to introducing me to friends and relatives as if I have
always been there. Rodri gave me his bedroom for the 2 long weekends I was at
his place, and share with me amazing moments rapping italian songs from the
90's on the roads of Mexico city (unforgettable moments).
And what about the beautiful Gloria, the
amazing girlfriend of Rodri? A big, big thank to her charming smile, her
positive attitude and happy and silvery voice. And not only because she took
care of me when I was going to die for the food poison (yeah, ok, die probably
it's too much, but I wasn't feeling really good...), but because she made me
think how awesome would be to see them (her and Rodri) everyday in my daily life.
And I like to think: never say never...!
The complete team standing in front of the Pyramid of the Moon - Teotihuacan
Gonzalo tells me some intersting story on the top of the Pyramid of the Moon - Teotihuacan
Coyotepec: drinking Mezcal, eating insects and enjoying a very good time! - Mexico City
Mexico City - The beautiful Gloria and the great Rodrigo
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